Monday, October 15, 2012

The Use of Social Media in Education

There is a place for Social Media in education. Though Social Media is still trying to find its placed within the classroom. Educators are still learning of the benefits of Social Media usage within the classroom. Social Media is being used as a tool to connect students globally to collaborate on reports and a variety of school related projects. The use of Social Media is also beneficial to closing the gap when it comes to communicating with parents and teachers, whether it be about up and coming events at the school or lessons in the classroom. After reading the article, "Social Networking Goes to School" it brought to light some of the drawback that can arise with Social Media. Within in the article it highlights concern that Social Media can cause issue with Internet security. Additionally, the article states that the potential for cyberbullying is also cause for the officials in some districts to be skeptical. With those concerns it should be noted that with open lines of communication between, home and school could there be a possibility for a lesser occurrence of cyberbullying since those adults within the students' lives would have more access to their Social Media?